Is mainly found in men, but some men can have more then others, also some men can have less masculinity then others as they could act, present and portray more feminine as they could be wearing what society associates with being a female colour such as pink for example. They could also be a woman who acts very masculine, they could also dress very masculine and sounds very manly.
Is mostly found in women, but there can be male characters who are very feminine. This can be displayed by male characters as feminine as they may act, portray or dress what society associates with being feminine. This can also be displayed by a prop such as a handbag or something pink as thats meant to be a girly colour.
Prime Evil-
How is masculinity and feminine shown in the clip?
The male who's wearing pink may be associated with being more feminine then the other men as pink is a girly colour, he also has a shovel as his prop when he goes to comfort the farmer about him having a lion. There is also another male in this clip that some people may associate with being more masculine then the others as he has dogs and a gum as his props. The other male who is being chased by the lion is quite masculine as he's trying to fight off the lion from harming the female called Becky. Becky is most probably the most masculine out of all the women as she tries to fight off the lion from hurting the man, who's chasing it into the trap.
The most feminine charter is probably the male in pink as he acts more like a female then the actual females as he dresses more feminine then the females, he also has more of a feminine prop the the actual females do when they face up to the farmer.
After looking at this I've realized that there doesn't have to be a female portraying everything a female does it can me a man portraying a females ways.
Monday, 25 November 2013
Monday, 18 November 2013
mock question
Cover the four technical areas in the clip from the link.
The four technical areas are:
-Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
-Mise-en-scene = location, props, lightening and costume
The first time I will be watching this clip I will be commenting on the camera shots, angles, movements and composition.
The camera shots changed as the different scenes came about. The opening scene when the couple are arguing, the camera goes backwards and forward to the female and male, there argument is about their daughter breaking something so their daughter is shown. When the argument has ended the mother goes up to the daughter and kisses her, this is shown as a close up because it shows the audience emoshion the mother feels towards her daughter.
When the females pipe bursts and Peter come and helps her fix it, we can see that there is chemistry between them as the 180 degree angle rule is used to show their conversation they're having and we can see both of their expressions.
When Peter is in the car and hits the daughter there is an extreme close up of his shocked face because he can't believe what he's just done, he doesn't get out of the car to help or see how the little girl is, he just sits in the car shocked at what has just happened. When the father of the daughter runs out to see his daughter lying on the floor, there is a close up to show how angry he is that Peter has just knocked his daughter over.
There is panning when the mother realises what has just happened and rushes to see her daughter. There is a close up when she realises that the man in the car is Peter as she is very shocked and also doesn't want her husband to find out what has gone on between the two of them.
The second time I watched the clip I made notes on the sound.
Shouting as the clip begins between the husband and wife as we later discover that they're arguing over their daughter breaking something that the father has worked hard to pay for. There is calming music in the back round during them arguing, the calming gets more clear as they stop arguing. When the husband is at work he's hammering something, which he may be taking out some of his anger out on from the argument that he had earlier which his wife on. The sound of the burst pipe is unexpected, the wife shouts for Peter to come and help her fix her pipe. When the pipe is fixed they both start whispering, as the two lovers start to kiss the music changes, they also whisper when they're planning to meet up next time. We start to hear the noise from the football on the telly which is louder then any other sound. When Peter gets in his car there's an alarming sound we hear with bits of the football sound, as if its building up to something. When the girl is hit by the car we hear intervals of the football on the telly and also of sounds from what has just happened out side. We hear the father getting very angry at Peter, we then here the sirens from the ambience and police turning up. We hear the anger in the mothers voice as she thinks the father wasn't keeping a close enough eye on his daughter and shouts at him for watching the football.
The third time I watched the clip I was looking at the editing of the clip.
When the couple are arguing it goes backwards and forwards between the male and female depending on who's speaking, it then does to the person who the argument is about. The edits slow down once the argument is over and it makes more or a relaxed mood for the audience to watch. The shots are placed as though it's the day just going by. The blond female has the most time on shot. The editing is slow when the girl gets hit by Peter as it makes it more dramatic, the football on the television slows down.
The forth time I watched this clip I was looking at the Mise-en-Scenc.
The lightening in the house is rather dual, but it's more bright when it's out side. The way people are dressed is rather casual as they aren't doing anything special in there day, the only person who is dressed rather smart and that's Peter as he may work in an office. The mother is very emotional and shocked to find her daughter knocked over by a car especially Peter being the driver as she doesn't want her husband to find out about them. Both of the men are the main bread winners of the house holds, but the women still get there say on what goes on in the house. The location to where the husband is normally in front of the telly or at work, as for the women they are normally in the kitchen, cleaning or looking after the children.
Could/should of added more information on camera shots,
who has more like on screen
who is more motivated
angles to show who has more power
how does it show who's a stereotypical man or woman
sounds e.g screaming, shouting and banging (masculine or feminine sounds)
The four technical areas are:
-Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
-Mise-en-scene = location, props, lightening and costume
The first time I will be watching this clip I will be commenting on the camera shots, angles, movements and composition.
The camera shots changed as the different scenes came about. The opening scene when the couple are arguing, the camera goes backwards and forward to the female and male, there argument is about their daughter breaking something so their daughter is shown. When the argument has ended the mother goes up to the daughter and kisses her, this is shown as a close up because it shows the audience emoshion the mother feels towards her daughter.
When the females pipe bursts and Peter come and helps her fix it, we can see that there is chemistry between them as the 180 degree angle rule is used to show their conversation they're having and we can see both of their expressions.
When Peter is in the car and hits the daughter there is an extreme close up of his shocked face because he can't believe what he's just done, he doesn't get out of the car to help or see how the little girl is, he just sits in the car shocked at what has just happened. When the father of the daughter runs out to see his daughter lying on the floor, there is a close up to show how angry he is that Peter has just knocked his daughter over.
There is panning when the mother realises what has just happened and rushes to see her daughter. There is a close up when she realises that the man in the car is Peter as she is very shocked and also doesn't want her husband to find out what has gone on between the two of them.
The second time I watched the clip I made notes on the sound.
Shouting as the clip begins between the husband and wife as we later discover that they're arguing over their daughter breaking something that the father has worked hard to pay for. There is calming music in the back round during them arguing, the calming gets more clear as they stop arguing. When the husband is at work he's hammering something, which he may be taking out some of his anger out on from the argument that he had earlier which his wife on. The sound of the burst pipe is unexpected, the wife shouts for Peter to come and help her fix her pipe. When the pipe is fixed they both start whispering, as the two lovers start to kiss the music changes, they also whisper when they're planning to meet up next time. We start to hear the noise from the football on the telly which is louder then any other sound. When Peter gets in his car there's an alarming sound we hear with bits of the football sound, as if its building up to something. When the girl is hit by the car we hear intervals of the football on the telly and also of sounds from what has just happened out side. We hear the father getting very angry at Peter, we then here the sirens from the ambience and police turning up. We hear the anger in the mothers voice as she thinks the father wasn't keeping a close enough eye on his daughter and shouts at him for watching the football.
The third time I watched the clip I was looking at the editing of the clip.
When the couple are arguing it goes backwards and forwards between the male and female depending on who's speaking, it then does to the person who the argument is about. The edits slow down once the argument is over and it makes more or a relaxed mood for the audience to watch. The shots are placed as though it's the day just going by. The blond female has the most time on shot. The editing is slow when the girl gets hit by Peter as it makes it more dramatic, the football on the television slows down.
The forth time I watched this clip I was looking at the Mise-en-Scenc.
The lightening in the house is rather dual, but it's more bright when it's out side. The way people are dressed is rather casual as they aren't doing anything special in there day, the only person who is dressed rather smart and that's Peter as he may work in an office. The mother is very emotional and shocked to find her daughter knocked over by a car especially Peter being the driver as she doesn't want her husband to find out about them. Both of the men are the main bread winners of the house holds, but the women still get there say on what goes on in the house. The location to where the husband is normally in front of the telly or at work, as for the women they are normally in the kitchen, cleaning or looking after the children.
Could/should of added more information on camera shots,
who has more like on screen
who is more motivated
angles to show who has more power
how does it show who's a stereotypical man or woman
sounds e.g screaming, shouting and banging (masculine or feminine sounds)
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Pitch for opening sequence
Business man
The business man is going to be doing his daily routine to work, as he sits by his desk he notices that there is a brown envelope containing information of a woman. The kind of things the file will contain are things such as photocopy of her passport, birth certificate, there will also be pictures of the woman going to work, going places also of her at home and cctv of her and all the other personal documents. We follow the business man into work and we follow the trespasser who is dropping off the brown envelope into the office.
The way this will be a opening sequence of a Thriller is that it will build suspense as it will include extreme close ups of the man worried as the female is either wife, girlfriend or bit on the side. There is mystery as the audience will not know who the woman is to the man and we dont know why they are targeting the couple. There will be tension as the trespasser enters the building because he will be dressed as any other business man who worked in the building looks like.
The location will be an office in London.
This kind of Thriller will be a Crime Thriller as the information that the business man receives will be in a brown case folder.
The way this will be a opening sequence of a Thriller is that it will build suspense as it will include extreme close ups of the man worried as the female is either wife, girlfriend or bit on the side. There is mystery as the audience will not know who the woman is to the man and we dont know why they are targeting the couple. There will be tension as the trespasser enters the building because he will be dressed as any other business man who worked in the building looks like.
The location will be an office in London.
This kind of Thriller will be a Crime Thriller as the information that the business man receives will be in a brown case folder.
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Evaluation of four different characters from two different TV Dramas

Mercede McQueen
-The two most popular camera angle used when Marcede is in shot are extreme close up and close up.
-The first reaction we get about Mercede is that she's very popular with the man and is always picks the wrong men, she's always managed to get off the hook whenever she's been in trouble.
-She has had many relationships with a number of men. She has a couple of sisters and a bother, she also has her mum, she takes most of her family for granted.
- She speaks well, we can tell when she's feeling emotional as she changes her voice.
-She wears heavy make up, but keeps it as natural as possible.
-The shot of the photo is a close up of her.
- We do not feel sympathy as they she has committed many horrid and cruel things during her time and is now paying for the evil things she's put people through.
- Some people may hate her some may love her as she's a character to do what she wants and won't let anyone or anything get in her way, she's a free sprite to a certain extent.
Will Savage
- Will is faking his disability to get gilt from many of the other characters as he's a very jealous and mental man.
- His main prop is either a wheel chair or a walking stick, he also wears glasses.
-He is dressed quite casual, but if he's got an important event, he dresses very smart.
- He speaks well
-The shots are normally close ups, extreme close ups when he's saying/acting mental, medium shots have been used, tracking and panning have been used too.
- We do not feel sympathy for him at all as he's very sick and twisted. He's also murdered a couple people but tries to get away with it but acting the hurt one.
- The amount of people who dislike will have increased as he tries to kill the people who love him, as they have found out that he's murdered love ones of theirs.

Mercede McQueen
-The two most popular camera angle used when Marcede is in shot are extreme close up and close up.
-The first reaction we get about Mercede is that she's very popular with the man and is always picks the wrong men, she's always managed to get off the hook whenever she's been in trouble.
-She has had many relationships with a number of men. She has a couple of sisters and a bother, she also has her mum, she takes most of her family for granted.
- She speaks well, we can tell when she's feeling emotional as she changes her voice.
-She wears heavy make up, but keeps it as natural as possible.
-The shot of the photo is a close up of her.
- We do not feel sympathy as they she has committed many horrid and cruel things during her time and is now paying for the evil things she's put people through.
- Some people may hate her some may love her as she's a character to do what she wants and won't let anyone or anything get in her way, she's a free sprite to a certain extent.
Will Savage
- Will is faking his disability to get gilt from many of the other characters as he's a very jealous and mental man.
- His main prop is either a wheel chair or a walking stick, he also wears glasses.
-He is dressed quite casual, but if he's got an important event, he dresses very smart.
- He speaks well
-The shots are normally close ups, extreme close ups when he's saying/acting mental, medium shots have been used, tracking and panning have been used too.
- We do not feel sympathy for him at all as he's very sick and twisted. He's also murdered a couple people but tries to get away with it but acting the hurt one.
- The amount of people who dislike will have increased as he tries to kill the people who love him, as they have found out that he's murdered love ones of theirs.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Audience Research
The audience for Thrillers are typically males between the ages of 18-29. This is because men this age normally are interested in the type of things Thrillers create. This is not to say that women and men different ages do not watch Thriller or that they do not appeal to them, the target audience for Thrillers are men between the ages 18-29, thats why the biggest percentage of the audience are who they are.
This is rating reviews for Usual Suspect, as you can tell from this the most common person to watch this film was a male between the ages of 18-29. As you can see there are women who watch Thrillers, but there is as much as men.
The viewing rating for Silence of the Lambs, as you can tell there is a huge difference between men and women viewers for this film. There are is a very small number of viewers under the age of 18, this is down to the age set on the film as it may contain something that isn't appropriate for younger ages to be viewing.

This is the viewing rating for Shutter Island, again you can see that most of the viewing are men between the ages of 18-29. This shows that people other then men between the ages of 18-29 have seen this film, but this films target audience is men between the ages of 18-29, this shows that they'er fulfilling there target audience.

From the charts above I have found that the most common viewer of Thrillers are men typically between the ages of 18-29. This has show me what my target audience should be.

This is what my target audience would look like. These are photos of men between the ages of 18-29. For more research and reliable research I will be asking 18-29 year old men what their opinion of Thrillers are.
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