The audience for Thrillers are typically males between the ages of 18-29. This is because men this age normally are interested in the type of things Thrillers create. This is not to say that women and men different ages do not watch Thriller or that they do not appeal to them, the target audience for Thrillers are men between the ages 18-29, thats why the biggest percentage of the audience are who they are.
This is rating reviews for Usual Suspect, as you can tell from this the most common person to watch this film was a male between the ages of 18-29. As you can see there are women who watch Thrillers, but there is as much as men.
The viewing rating for Silence of the Lambs, as you can tell there is a huge difference between men and women viewers for this film. There are is a very small number of viewers under the age of 18, this is down to the age set on the film as it may contain something that isn't appropriate for younger ages to be viewing.

This is the viewing rating for Shutter Island, again you can see that most of the viewing are men between the ages of 18-29. This shows that people other then men between the ages of 18-29 have seen this film, but this films target audience is men between the ages of 18-29, this shows that they'er fulfilling there target audience.

From the charts above I have found that the most common viewer of Thrillers are men typically between the ages of 18-29. This has show me what my target audience should be.

This is what my target audience would look like. These are photos of men between the ages of 18-29. For more research and reliable research I will be asking 18-29 year old men what their opinion of Thrillers are.
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